The OS model redefined

A cloud-agnostic Operating System where Apps, AIs, and Avatars thrive together.

Autonomous Learning Machines (ALMs)


ALMs which support both generative and layered AI components at once.

OS Architecture

ARIAL PerfectLogic OS Data Clouds Mobile App AI Models App Models Data Models App engine Platforms Web App Other Clouds Desktop App Avatars Native Apps ChatAssembler ALM ALM ALM

Integrated OS Components

Perfect Logic Operating System Autonomous Learning Machines (ALMs) Neural Component Score Virtual Cloud Environments (VCEs) ChatAssembly Robot Maker Studio App Models Data Models ChatGPT-like AI Avatars ARIAL Assembler Language

Custom Avatars

Custom Avatars designed using ChatAssembler™ Robot Maker Studio.

Neural Composite Score™ : CE12

Patented AI scoring models

AI scoring model, Neural Component Score(NCS) are used to determine which trained AI components can be assigned into an ALM.

Neural Component Scores (NCS)

ALM ALM ALM Trained AI Component Passing NCS Component sent back for retraining Neural Component Score (NCS) Assigned Low NCS Score

ARIAL Cloud Language

Using ARIAL assembly language, ALMs and Avatars communicate with the external world.


(Autonomous Robotic Interactive AI Language)

ARIAL ALM ALM ALM Data Mart Mobile Cloud Desktop Web

AI Models

AI Models define a specific AI component as independent Micro service Clusters and containers. They are assigned independent Neural Component Scores (NCS). Multiple AI Models make up one ALM along with other components.

App Models

The app model defines an apps architecture, functionality, data models and related ALMs. External integrations are also defined in the App Model.

Data Models

The Data model defines a full schema and entity relationship for a specific data sources. One or multiple Data Models can be combined to form an App Model.

Native Apps

Existing apps can be integrated into PerfectLogic OS. Native apps run directly in the cloud platform and can be operated or modified by AI right off the gate.


Platforms are a combination of multiple apps, integrations and data models. They are aggregation of multiple Models. A platform can use one or multiple ALMs. Platforms can have their own Neural Composite Score as well.

App Engines

App Engines are low code platforms for building apps. Apps can be built using App Engines or without them.

Data Clouds

AI-ready data clouds which can be used for AI testing and training. Public and private data stores which can be accessed by AIs, Apps, Avatars and ALMs.