What if...?

We can remove the top blockers we have in software development today like access to talent, knowledge transfer,and redundant processes?


If we could make AI development faster & more affordable?

We believe the next progression in software development are AI hybrid teams. A combination of people combined with deep AI using ChatGPT-like technologies..
…plus much more

We believe these teams can solve the most complex of software development problems and reduce overall costs.

We envision

Machines coding alongside humans

Long development cycles being a thing of the past

Knowledge transfer never being a blocker

Very smart Chatbots presenting in daily standups

Cost effective AI

A cloud-agnostic Operating System where specialized avatars and ChatGPT-like robots can be designed and stood up for a fraction of the cost and time using current methodologies.

A new generation of OS specifically designed to simplify overall AI development and reduce its associated costs.

Custom AI Avatars

Avatars which can learn and operate apps via ALMs (Autonomous Learning Machines).

Neural Composite Score™ : AB35

Patented OS components

Perfect Logic Operating System Autonomous Learning Machines (ALMs) Neural Component Score Virtual Cloud Environments (VCEs) ChatAssembly Robot Maker Studio App Models Data Models ChatGPT-like AI Avatars ARIAL Assembler Language

Our Beta Release

For our Beta Release we are focused on software development project tools and enhancing: knowledge transfer, team balancing, knowledge balancing, data points and overall cost effectiveness.

Tons of new data points

Our initial Beta release will entail ALMs and avatars around popular project & IDE tools to collect extensive data points not currently available now.